February 4, 2016 @ 9:18 PM

By Cliff Smith

Ergy Drinks and Sport DrinksMy twenty-three year old son recently told me that he knows plenty of young people who don’t drink any water.  They go days, weeks, months, and even years without the benefits of drinking water.  They’re hydrating with energy drinks, sport drinks, vitamin waters, soft drinks, coffee, and alcohol.  This is not a good way to create energy, maintain a healthy weight, think clearly, or stay fit.

Most people Sugar in Sports Drinksreading this are already aware of the benefits of drinking water, so please share it with the young people you know.  For more energy, improved performance and better concentration, healthy hydration is an important fact of life. The large amounts of caffeine, sugar and artificial ingredients found in energy drinks, sport drinks, vitamin waters, and soft drinks are robbing the youthful energy of all who drink them on any regular basis.

Sugar and InsulinMany energy drinks contain large amounts of sugar and caffeine.  They’re also usually filled with artificial colors, flavors, stimulants, and harmful herbal ingredients, like Guarana.  Sports drinks are not a good way to rehydrate, either, as they can contain massive amounts of sugar or high fructose corn syrup, along with dyes and chemicals.

The caffeine content in many of today’s energy drinks is so high that it can cause nervousness, irritability, insomnia, rapid heart rate, and high blood pressure.  While it may provide a quick boost, a big crash is sure to follow the surge when the caffeine and sugar rush ends. 

The amount of sugar in many of the drinks being consumed today is way more than the human body can handle.  A 20 oz Powerade, or vitamin water, for instance, contains about 7 teaspoons of sugar, while a 32 oz Gatorade may be loaded with up to 14 teaspoons of sugar.  Soft drinks are worse, of course, with about 9 teaspoons of sugar in a 12 oz can.  The excess calories lead right to obesity and insulin resistance, problems that are hurting young people more than ever before.

There are fun, tasty ways to hydrate properly and get all-natural energy support that can improve body functions, weight management, fitness, and concentration.  You won’t find this kind of healthy hydration at your local convenience store, though.  You have to shop differently to live a healthier life.  

Fortune DelightFortune Delight is a naturally flavorful beverage that provides daily support for any weight loss or fitness program.  This green-tea based powder drink mix provides crash-free healthy hydration with no sugar, and zero artificial chemicals or stimulants.  It hydrates better than plain water as its powerful antioxidants reach the cells of the body most efficiently.  This helps to flush out waste water and replace it with healthy H2O.  Since the body is made up of about 60% water, you can see why hydration  is important every day for Electrosport Electrolyte Replacement Fluidhealthy weight and fitness.  

ElectroSport is great to use during or after a workout for replacing minerals lost through perspiration.  It delivers 10 important minerals, including, selenium, zinc, calcium and potassium.  Just mix a vial with a quart of water or Fortune Delight.

Evergreen is a liquid chlorophyll concentrate that enhances the transport of oxygen throughout the body.  Even Popeye would love this drink as it beats eating piles of green, leafy vegetables, and it has a delicious minty flavor.

Evergreen vs Energy Drinks