May 28, 2013 @ 2:31 PM

by Cliff Smith

Woman Drinking Herbal TeaOften, when people begin a new nutritional program, they experience a “cleanse” during the initial stages.  This can be in the form of excess gas, bloating, fatigue, flu-like symptoms, or even the shedding of emotional baggage.  In any case, cleansing can be an unpleasant, but necessary transition to a higher level of overall health.  It works every time for those who stay focused on the end results.

We’re very familiar with the cleansing process as we have experienced it ourselves and have coached others through it.  In each case, we have seen the results of the healing process for those who endure the initial cleanse. 

Fortunately, cleansing usually creates only a temporary challenge as bathroom visits increase, digestive issues arise, and other physical and emotional symptoms take hold.  The problem is that most people think a sudden increase in symptoms means their health is worsening.  The trick is to get through the cleansing period to reach the next level of health and fitness.

Why Cleansing is Valuable for Good Health

Detox Poster“These symptoms occur because the body is ridding itself of the substances that have been making it toxic - not only the materials that have accumulated in the colon, but also the antibodies and other substances that  have built up in individual cells, interfering with their normal functioning. As these substances are ejected out of the tissues, they are dumped into the system making the body temporarily more toxic until they can be excreted. This is partly what produces the symptoms of the healing reaction. This effect is accentuated by the body's process of tearing apart defective tissue, repairing damaged cells, destroying parasites or ineffective agents, and otherwise producing debris from the reconstruction…Because the healing reaction is caused by the flushing of toxins out of the cells, the strength of the reaction also depends on how carefully the individual is following the recommended nutritional program. The more correctly the program is followed, the stronger will be the healing reaction.” - By Jimmy Scott, Ph.D.  From an article in Health Freedom News: Calli Tea for Cleansing

  • We recommend the use of Calli Tea to work with the body's natural cleansing properties.

Symptoms of the cleanse may at first be identical to the problems it is meant to eliminate.  However, the difference is that the cleansing, purifying process is underway and stored wastes are now in a free-flowing state.  Waste and toxins flowing through the body can cause discomfort, but with a proper cleanse, those toxins are eventually eliminated and the body becomes significantly healthier.

Physical reactions could include nausea, headache, lack of energy, constipation, diarrhea, head cold, skin eruptions or any other method used by the body to eliminate toxins.  The initial cleanse usually lasts two or three days but it may last a weekor more, depending on the individual’s toxicity.

People often forget the diseases, issues, or injuries they have had in the past, but are usually reminded during the cleanse so that they can heal their unfinished business. This arises in whatever order the body is capable of handling at that time.  Your body needs healthy liquids to help carry off the toxins. This is a time for rest. Be kind to yourself -- mentally, emotionally, and of course physically. 

Fortune Delight

Read: Why Natural Health Drinks Work Best for Safe, Gentle, Daily Cleansing

Don’t Block the Cleansing Process

Enduring the cleansing process can be painful for some people.  Although it is tempting to take painkillers, antihistamines, or other drugs when symptoms occur, it is very important to follow the program correctly and not interfere with the healing process. 

Aspirin and antihistamines work by blocking the prostaglandins - chemical substances that regulate many bodily functions.  Generally, the prostaglandins work in opposing pairs. One, for example, may produce inflammation and swelling while another undoes these reactions. Unfortunately, by blocking the pain with an inappropriate medication , the body is forced to go back and forth, keeping itself at precisely the level where there is discomfort.

White Willow BarkIf cleansing reactions are upsetting, some herbal remedies can relieve symptoms without interfering in the healing process. For example, White Willow Bark contains a different chemical form of salicylic acid than aspirin, so that it blocks only the inflammation chain of the prostaglandin and not the healing chain.  The dosage of certain supplements can also be adjusted to slow down the rate at which the healing process takes place. When any of our clients have uncomfortably strong cleansing reactions, we recommend that they dilute their Calli Tea with more water.   When starting our program, some very toxic people use a full gallon of water with one tea bag until the detoxification symptoms are less severe.

When suffering through a cleansing reaction you may be worried that you’re getting worse, rather than healthier.  Rest assured, though, that the uncomfortable symptoms are usually a sign that the cleanse is working and better health is imminent.  Don’t quit before the miracle occurs!  For free nutrition coaching, contact us.