July 13, 2016 @ 12:02 PM

By Jane Wakefield

What is really good health?

healthy girl playing dodge ballAre you running around the schoolyard (aka the Internet) trying to figure out what to do to get healthier or avoid being sick? Well, if you're like most people you think you're healthy if you have an absence of disease. You may have your weight in proportion to your height and think, “well at least I’m not fat.”  Maintaining a healthy weight is only one aspect of good health. What if you maintain a good weight, have an absence of disease, exercise, eat “right” and still don’t feel excellent?

Well my friends, you may just be lacking in high quality nutrients. Our bodies need the basics and more. It’s not enough to exercise and just eat “right” with balanced meals.  Ask a hundred nutritionists, you’ll get 100 different answers to the best balanced meal.

Food no longer contains the same quality and quantity of nutrients it once had. The fields are being overplanted, the soils are depleted, pesticides, GMO’s, artificial fertilizers, and climate change are all affecting our food supply. Even our wheat has been rejected from China for having such low protein content!

No matter which bandwagon you jump on: low carb, high protein, Paleo, gluten free, sugar free, vegetarian, vegan, or raw foods; you still need a concentration of nutrients. Here’s an
Whole food concentrate easy way to get all the concentrated nutrients you need.
A very powerful Whole Food Concentrate available in tasty, all natural flavors of Apple Cinnamon, Mixed Berry, Pina-Banana, Simply Herbs, and Naturally Plain.

• Strengthens the body’s systems by nourishing tissues.

• Repairs and builds lean tissue

• Improves energy

• Burns fat

• Reduces cravings

• Easily digested and absorbed

Mix a packet of NuPlus® into eight ounces of your favorite fruit juice, Soy Milk, or Fortune Delight® any time during the day. Best results when taken 2 to 3 times a day.