February 9, 2015 @ 6:10 PM

by Cliff Smith

Woman drinking green tea on beachIn addition to preventing cancer, green tea has been shown to lower the risk for heart disease, diminish symptoms of arthritis, reduce “bad” cholesterol and generate natural weight loss.  This is why experts around the globe are encouraging people to drink green tea on a daily basis.

In an article from Life Extension Magazine. Pon Velayutham Anandh Babu, PhD, a postdoctoral research associate in Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, says, “Recent studies suggest that green tea possesses various health benefits on cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and diabetic complications, and oral health. The antihypertensive effect, antibacterial effect, antiviral effect and neuroprotective effect of green tea [are] also reported.”

So, let’s zoom in on a few of the best reasons to drink Green Tea.

Benefits of Green Tea

Calli TeaBetter concentration, memory and focus.  In 2013, the research teams of Prof. Christoph Beglinger from the University Hospital of Basel and Prof. Stefan Borgwardt from the Psychiatric University Clinics found that “...green tea extract increases the brain's effective connectivity, meaning the causal influence that one brain area exerts over another. This effect on connectivity also led to improvement in actual cognitive performance: Subjects tested significantly better for working memory tasks after the admission of green tea extract.”  Keep in mind that you would need to drink 7-10 cups of tea per day to gain these benefits, so the best method is to drink a concentrated tea like Calli.

Reduced cholesterol.  The most talked about aspect of green tea is the abundance of antioxidants it delivers.  A report from the University of Maryland Medical Center reveals, “Flavonoids, the major antioxidants in tea, have been shown to prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol leading to plaque formation on artery walls. These powerful antioxidants may even reduce cholesterol and even lower Fortune Delight reduces cholesterolblood pressure.  Research shows that green tea lowers total cholesterol and raises HDL ("good") cholesterol in both animals and people. One population-based clinical study found that men who drink green tea are more likely to have lower total cholesterol than those who do not drink green tea.  Results from one animal study suggest that polyphenols in green tea may block cholesterol from being absorbed in the intestine and also help the body get rid of cholesterol. In another small study of male smokers, researchers found that green tea significantly reduced blood levels of harmful LDL cholesterol."

The Cortisol Connection Diet bookHealthy energy without jitters, stress or anxiety

In the book, The Cortisol Connection Diet: The Breakthrough Program to Control Stress and Lose Weight, Dr. Shawn M Talbott, PhD writes, “Almost all green tea contains caffeine, theobromine, and theophylline. They provide green tea's stimulant effects. L-theanine, an amino acid compound found in green tea, has been studied for its calming effects on the nervous system."

All herbs, including Camellia Sinensis (green tea), have good properties (tea catechins) and negative properties (tannins and caffeine).  Catechins are the healthy, naturally occurring polyphenol chemicals found in Camellia sinensis (green tea). These natural antioxidants have been shown to be effective in absorbing damaging free radicals that contribute to premature aging. 

Dr. Talbott goes on to say, "Green tea is unique in the plant world in that it contains "just enough" caffeine to induce thermogenesis (when the caffeine is combined with a special class of naturally occurring flavonoids called catechins, as it is in green tea). Furthermore, green tea also contains a unique cortisol-controlling amino acid called theanine that counteracts the cortisol-increasing tendency of caffeine.  Scientific evidence has been mounting to support the idea that the polyphenol/catechins found at high levels in green tea (and at lower levels in some other plants) may act on the sympathetic nervous system and adrenal glands to increase calorie expenditure and fat burning. An additional effect of green tea appears to be an inhibition of the fat-digesting enzymes (lipases) in the gut-suggesting a reduction in fat digestion and absorption.

One study, published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 1999, compared a daily dose of green-tea extract (providing naturally-occurring caffeine and catechins) to caffeine alone, and a placebo. Results showed that the green tea caused a significant (14 percent) increase in twenty-four-hour energy expenditure (subjects burned about 280 extra calories) and enhanced fat-oxidation by 34 percent over the twenty-four-hour period. These effects were significantly greater than those seen in the group receiving only caffeine, indicating that green tea has thermogenic properties and promotes fat oxidation beyond that explained by its caffeine content per se."

So, these are just a few healthy reasons why experts are encouraging us to drink green tea daily.

Click for more:

Green Tea and the Many Benefits of Herbal Tea