January 7, 2014 @ 10:00 AM

by Cliff Smith

Bigger or Smaller Commercial clipAs we begin another year of diet tips, I’m reminded of a recent commercial where some kids are asked, “What’s better, more or less, bigger or smaller?” The kids pick the obvious answer.  Let me pose a question for adults, “What’s better, easier diet tips or harder ones?”

We all know that the diet de jour can be hard for most people to follow. Counting calories, limiting carbs, vegetarian, vegan, high protein, paleo, blah blah blah… the list seems never ending.  

Sunfitr PackMost diet plans are hard to stick with when you don’t see results right away.  It’s easy to doubt the wisdom of your new ways when you’re not seeing a dramatic change, or at least feeling something different.  The key is to get real results that you can feel and see.  Tangible results inspire you to continue your new healthy plan.  Nothing is easier than living a healthy lifestyle with Sunrider whole food concentrates, health drinks and herbal supplementsSince 1982, our exclusive manufacturer, Sunrider, has provided an easy way for us to stay healthy without having to follow tough restrictions or dramatically alter life to stay in shape.

NuPlus, Calli Tea, and QuinaryIt’s simple: Cleanse, Nourish, and Balance

  • Drink Calli tea to cleanse the body of fats and toxins.
  • Consume NuPlus with Quinary 2-3 times per day for superior nutrition.

Watch your body come into its own natural balance. It doesn’t get any easier than that.  Just do this and don’t worry about the rest as it will all fall into place.  These products inspire healthy eating habits.

SunTrim Plus by SunriderWant to jump start the shedding of pounds?  Add SunTrim Plus to the above outline, and within 30 minutes feel the difference. 3 capsules of SunTrim Plus, 30 minutes before you eat, will help you feel full and encourage you to stop eating unhealthy foods. 

Choose the easy, safe and effective way to create the healthy body you deserve!

Need healthy snacks? Try Sunbars, VitaShake, and NuPuffs.

Sunbars      VitaShake        NuPuffs